Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Certification is a widely recognized mark of achievement in all aspects of the automotive industry. Earning an ASE Certification not only proves to customers that AutoZoners know their parts and products, it identifies them as a top source for trustworthy advice.
There are multiple opportunities to take the ASE Certification tests throughout the year. Autozoners who pass the test are eligible for reimbursement.
Free, step-by-step guides to help you understand what’s involved in each test — including sample questions and suggestions for further preparation. Click here
AutoZoners must give managers two weeks notice if the appointment conflicts with any scheduled work hours.
AutoZoners must follow these instructions:
- Arrive at the test center on time.
- Bring admission ticket and a non-expired photo identification.
It is extremely important that you follow these instructions. Failing to do so could result in your being counted as a no-show for your test.
If you have never registered for an ASE test, visit and select the Create myASE Account link. You will then be prompted to provide information about yourself to set up your account.
If you have already created a myASE account, then:
- Login to your account.
- Select Company-Assigned ID.
- Select the Add Company-Assigned ID button.
- Select AutoZone from the Company drop-down menu and enter your team member ID and then select Submit.
- Select the Profile tab to review your information and check on your release status. Confirm that your information is correct.
- Select the "Release my ASE status to others" checkbox and then select the Submit button.
- Log in to your myASE account.
- Select Store link.
- Select the checkbox(s) for the ASE Certification Test(s) for which you wish to test.
- After going through several prompts, you can schedule your appointment. If you have multiple tests to schedule, you may also select the "Select All" checkbox.
- Then you can Find the Test Center that is most convenient for you and select the Schedule an Appointment link to find available locations.
- Once you have scheduled your test appointments you will be directed to an Appointment Confirmation page where you should see the correct date/time for your ASE Certification test(s). Select either the Print Registration Ticket button to print your registration ticket, or select Continue to complete the registration process.
For a complete listing of test dates, fees, and test times, click here.
To purchase ASE certified lapel pins, visit the ASE Store.
Need Help?
Please direct all questions to Charles Nesler, (901) 495-7574.
ASE Contact information
National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence
1503 Edwards Ferry Rd., NE Suite 401
Leesburg, VA 20176