This section explains what’s required to use the ASE logo on your website. Please note that the ASE logo and all its variations are trademarked, so they are approved for use only under the conditions outlined below. If you have questions, or would like to use the ASE logo in print, contact ASE by clicking here.

Here's how to use an ASE logo on your website.

Using an ASE logo on a website requires authorization from ASE. To receive authorization, you must:

  1. Provide the URL (Web address) of the site where the logo will appear.
  2. Provide the name and ID number of at least one of the ASE-certified personnel in your employ (not necessary for “We Support Professional Certification” logo requests).
  3. Agree that ASE reserves the right to have you remove the ASE logo from your website for whatever reasons ASE deems necessary. This includes, but is not limited to, misrepresentation, fraud, rendering the logo to be disproportionate or altering its colors, or combining the logo with any other corporate or organizational logo or text so as to infer the impression of a partnership, strategic alliance, or other business affiliation.
  4. Agree not to redistribute the logo to other entities for any reason.

Upon acceptance of these terms and conditions, and approval by ASE, we will provide you with either a “We Employ Professionals Certified by ASE” logo or a “We Support Professional Certification” logo, plus detailed usage guidelines.

To request ASE logo artwork and the authorization to use it, please send us an e-mail confirming that you have complied with the four conditions described above by clicking here.

Visit ASE's Toolkit to download approved ASE logos.

Please help us monitor the ASE logo’s correct use.

To make sure that everyone can easily identify the ASE logo, ASE has strict rules about the use of its logos in printed and electronic media, as well as on signs at repair facilities.

If you have witnessed what you believe is a misuse of the ASE logo or signage, please click here to tell us about it.